The Top Three Benefits of Wearing Dentures

Canada and its residents are known for a lot of great things. From the regal beauty of Niagara Falls, to the indulgent taste of poutine, Canada has earned quite a reputation. But did you know Canadians are very serious about their teeth as well?

More than half — 73% — of Canadians brush twice a day and in 2013, Canadians spent approximately $12.5 billion on dental services. However, despite being proactive in regards to dental care, it’s estimated that seven out of 10 Canadians will develop gum disease at some point in their life. Gum disease can eventually lead to tooth loss, which in turn may require the use of cosmetic dentures.
The term “dentures” is enough to make most people run for the hills. Unlike wooden dentures from hundreds of years ago, dentures today are not manufactured to be one size fits all. There are a number of different types of dentures. While some people may need a full set of dentures, others may only require a portion. Today’s dentures are custom fitted by a professional denturist to ensure a comfortable, snug fit.

Wooden dentures may have served their purpose back in the day, but today’s dentures offer wearers several benefits. Aside from serving a cosmetic purpose, modern dentures serve other important functions. Here are just a few.

Did you know that digestion begins in your mouth? Your teeth break down your food and mix it with saliva before it moves down to your stomach for further digestion. If this critical step in the digestive process is missing, it may interrupt nutrient absorption and may even cause an upset stomach.

Your teeth, along with your tongue and lips, help you to form certain words and sounds. If your front teeth are missing, your speech will be impaired. When pronouncing the “s” sound in the word “sugar” or the “t” in “tomato,” the tongue moves into specific positions around the teeth. Without them there, it can be difficult to pronounce words correctly.

Missing teeth can change your facial profile over time, causing the jaw to move forward or the chin to stick out further. In addition, the lips may appear thinner, the sides of the mouth may droop, and cheeks may appear hollowed out. Wearing dentures can prevent all of these changes from happening by providing structure to the face.